Sunday, June 29, 2008

Ugh, It Makes Me Want to Shoot Someone

Recently, firearms have been a touchy subject. All those big, wonderful, all-knowing, hippy freak, pinko, commie, irresponsible, wimps are complaining that the second amendment was upheld in the Supreme Court. So some idiot, I mean respected journalist, at the LA Times decides who write an editorial that should really be titled "How To Blame An Inanimate Object for the Misdeeds of My Crappy Fellow Men." Catchy, huh?

A GUN IS AN INANIMATE OBJECT! It doesn't kill people...unless a PERSON picks it up and POINTS it at another human being and then PULLS THE TRIGGER.

Automatic weapons (which are way illegal), or any weapon at all, don't stand themselves up and say, "Why, I believe I'll shoot an upstanding citizen today." No. Some assbag picks up his illegally obtained weapon and then wields it around like he's 50cent or something.

When a normal person with a functioning brain and moral compass picks up a gun, they aim it at something they're going to eat, sell, or use as target practice (I have my Bin Laden paper target somewhere around here.....) then proceed to shoot it. There is so much more wrong with society than it having guns. Tackle a bigger issue. How about instead of taking away guns and causing people to use other methodology to kill their neighbors why don't you put your time and effort into improving our public school system so that the kids will be smarter, actually make something of themselves and then NOT GO AROUND SHOOTING PEOPLE. I'm not saying that's going to fix everything but it would be a more proactive and useful start than throwing a fit because Mr. Jones next door has a gun locker. (Which by the way, is the safest most responsible way to keep your firearms.)

In short, quit blaming everyone else you liberal moron. Take some responsibility for yourself and your country and actually do something about the people dying instead of thinking that guns are the culprit behind all of this. My recommendation... the only way to improve human nature is to start with yourself. Go read a self-help book and stay the hell away from my gun before it points itself at you and shoots you in the head.... repeatedly.

(p.s. okay, so maybe it's my metaphorical gun but still...)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Scrubs = Infinite Wisdom

As I was sitting on my ass watching my umpteenth episode of scrubs eating a coffee cup full of baked beans I took a bit of that particular episode to heart. Dr. Kelsoe (spelling?) was telling some girl who wanted gastric bypass surgery at 25 that life is scary and taking the easy way out is not an option because there is no magical fix all.

Yes. Taking advice from a Scrubs episode may not be the most logical thing I've done lately. And yes, I am probably taking it way out of context and applying it to my own situation simply because I want it to fit. But the point is that the reason I've been so impatient about this Indiana job is because I figured it would be the easy fix-all that I need.

Instead it's required patience, and getting up at 4am, flying for five hours, driving for five cumulative hours, spending money I don't have and staying awake for 22 hours because I'm traveling, interviewing and then subsequently freaking out. Although I think I handled it pretty well, and this whole opportunity kind of fell into my lap, it's been kind of hard. I want the job so desperately and feel like there's nothing I can do to push their hand and make them give it to me. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the hard part. I can usually get whatever I want with just a little bit of effort and I usually have a modicum of control over the situation. This one is almost completely out of my hands. I'm not okay with that but, I think I'll take a deep breath and just pray for the best.

Now that I'm sitting in my computer chair, on my lazy ass, with my dishes in the sink I think I'll get back on top of this whole job situation and keep applying other places. Gotta be proactive right? Just because I want it doesn't mean I get it. Yikes. That one's going to be a lot harder to actually understand than it was to type.

Wish me luck guys. Pray if you are so inclined. Write letters to the company telling them how desperately they need me if you're really feeling froggy. Either way, I'm hoping for good news sometime today or tomorrow. Or if not... good news from somewhere else, right?

Saturday, June 21, 2008

lack of anything

A lack of understanding stems from a lack of passion. Passion is a genuine interest in a noun. Being complacent about anything happens because you have no interest and thus, do not care to understand.

Americans are famous for being revolutionary, top of the game, forward thinking people. Whick is really only true about maybe 1/1000th of the population. The rest of us assume that because someone else is an expert we don't have to be. Not true.

In order to actually be involved in your own life it is imperative that you understand the world around you. People ought to have at the least a passion for existence. So many of us let our lives go down the drain because there was a lack of understanding about some aspect. Actively involve yourself in your life, be passionate about what you do and see so you can avoid misunderstandings that cause failure.

Its so disappointing that I feel like both our presidential candidates lack a passion for people. They don't seem to understand what the American public wants. They just regurgitate what they think we want to hear without really wanting to help. They're running for president to accomplish something for themselves instead of to be help the American people who lack the understanding they have. That's why we have experts, but doesn't relieve you of your caring duties.

I want a President who is passionate about something to the point of standing in the face of an entire angry mob because of the depth of their belief. McCain got close a couple decades ago, being passionate to endure literal torture for the concept of America. Now he needs to show me that same fire again. And soon. Or i'm moving to Russia.


In other news, i'm blogging from my blackberry in the back of my suburban. I got back from Indiana earlier today. The interview went really well. Keep praying that I get the job, I want it so badly. I'm in Pennsylvania for a few days, I love seeing my grandparents :)

Friday, June 13, 2008

Another Lesser of Two Evils?

Although I think John McCain is simply a Senator who played the numbers in order to get this nomination (i.e. You can only run so many times and be denied before they say, 'ok, John, we'll let you run for President.') On the other hand, I got onto his website and it was nice to see that the man who rides in the "Straight Talk Express" actually gave me answers on HOW he plans to do the things he wants to do. What a concept.

I'm still not convinced that he's going to be any good though. He's gone through like three wives so the man obviously can't make a solid decision and stick with it, his voting record throughout the past eight years of legislation has been ruled by a "support the President" policy, and not a "what John really thinks is best" policy. Yes, he's got real experience. The man was a POW, which deserves the utmost respect from every man, woman and child who has the opportunity to use their freedoms and rights. But then again, after toughing it out in the Hanoi Hilton you would expect for him to tough out his voting decisions as well. I like that he's lead a pretty respectable campaign; denouncing that radio guy when he was saying ridiculous things, not firing back when Hillary was making directly derogatory comments and John tried to keep answering the actual question.

Here's where my biggest speed bump comes from. Although he gives me answers on HOW he's going to fix everything. I'm not so sure they sound logical. For instance, he wants to suspend the summer gas tax from Memorial Day to Labor Day. However, as soon as that happens most of the construction to repair our roads and highways will stop because that's part of what the gas tax supports. I don't know about your local roads but there's so much construction going on around Norfolk that if it stopped traffic would be even more of a monstrosity than it already is. Another example would be this concept on international trade. Of course selling our stuff to other people is good and will make us money. But that then makes us very reliant on their economies and fads. Why not do a little isolationism, promote buying American and stabilize ourselves? You can't ask for other people to take care of you when you won't take care of yourself.

I really like that McCain isn't willing to sit down with terrorists in order to negotiate. Those people do not understand diplomacy. For cultures like that diplomacy is a sign of weakness. Obama wants to, without conditions, sit down with Kim Jong Il, Castro and all those other scumbags shake hands and work it out. Anyone of those leaders would rather have an American President killed inside the palace walls and hung on display than sit down and come to "an accord."

But... both candidates want to close Guantanamo Bay. If you've ever read my blog at all you should know where I stand on that. I'll take any bet you want but I guarantee that if the illegal enemy combatants detained at Guantanamo Bay are released you're going to see a hell of a lot more dead Americans than this War on Terrorism has ever produced.


Tune in next time for why lacking passion equals a lack of understanding. It's going to be good.


In Other News, I got a wonderful text message this morning from somebody quite nice. We'll see where that goes. Beach house tomorrow. Yay :) Keep praying, hoping, sending good energy toward the Indiana job working out. One of these days I'll make it back to Texas.

Because Texas needs more billionaires.

I love when my titles have little to nothing to do with my blog except for being an excerpt from a ridiculous video... read on, faithful sidekick.

So there's this video on YouTube (which by the way I have recently become an addict of.) Not the point. The point is I love free speech. I love being able to get on the internet and write down what I think and feel like it's the gospel word. I love that random people sometimes stumble upon it and argue with me. I'm also a huge fan of making fun of people. It's like the greatest cheapest form of entertainment since the beginning of time. That being said. This video is funny... and here's why...

1 - because it's just plain wrong.
2- because it perpetuates every misconception about being "a republican"
3- it takes every middle/upper class American stereotype and plays it up
4- because it proves my "silent majority" theory.

The Silent Majority is a group of people who go to work everyday, maintain our economy, pay the gas prices without bitching, are trying hard to raise their children properly, aren't buying into all the bipartisan bullshit, support the men and women overseas, and pray every night for the world to not lose it's mind. At the end of the day the squeaky wheel doesn't always get the grease, and that silent wheel on the back of the bike works hard enough to keep the squeaky wheel moving forward.

People on the opposite end of the political spectrum can make as much noise as they like but mark my words, Americans don't like change. Americans have been voting rich white guys into office for decades not because the opportunity for something different hasn't presented itself but rather because we like stability. Sure, there's a black guy who is successfully running for President now. Which is a great move forward for America in the global political spectrum because other countries have been voting black men into office for decades. However, he doesn't have much more going for him than "Hope" and being black.

He can pick on 'republicans' all he wants, telling the whole world that they only want to stifle normal Americans in an effort to make a buck for people and companies who don't need it. But when it comes down to defining his plan for what protocol to use to actually solve the problems his responses are quite lackluster. He "will" do this, and he "will" do that.

For heaven's sake, tell me Barack, how?

How are you going to restore habeas corpus, and where did it go? How are you going to keep small neighborhood stores open? How are you going to advance medical research? How are you going to keep the rights of women in the hands of women? and how the hell do you plan on keeping class sizes small? How do you plan on keeping the environment clean?

That video points out all of the things Barack wants to do... now make a follow up video and tell me how.

The follow up video would be short. It would go something like this...

"Obama will fix everything... by stopping the war, cutting our defense funding, making Americans twice as vulnerable as they are right now by releasing the men whose passion in life is to eradicate the world of Americans and throwing money at all the issues my political platform says I should."

I should be a director or something... there's an emmy somewhere in that script I can feel it.

Tune in next time when I explain why John McCain isn't much help either.


In Other News, I'm headed to Indiana on the 19th of this month for a job interview. DTE Powertrain is flying me to Indy for an interview and to see if I like the company and the people. Indiana isn't the greatest state in the union but the job seems like it's perfect for me. I'm way excited and nervous like crazy. Also, right as I (hopefully) am about to leave I start having guy issues again. I'm not a fan. Oh well, so it goes right? I've also been on a kind of diet for three weeks now and exercising like crazy, and I'm pretty sure all it's done it make me cranky. Ugh. Anyway, Gloucester tomorrow with Evan and Jer, beach house this weekend, William & Bro's in town next week, Mommy (and my Baby Bro's) in town on Tuesday, two stepping on wednesday, and Indy on Thursday. Life, my dear friends, is good.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Ok, Mr. Samir Khan. You were born, raised, and taught under every American ideal that makes our country great, despite whatever flaws it may have. You live in some up scale, rich, quiet suburbia. Which apparently gives you some smug sense of security which leads you to practically defect and write about supporting the killing of American troops in Iraq.

The men and women who are fighting for your freedom to write that bullshit are the ones you want dead. I don't care if you represent "Islam" or "Muslims," you're an American who should not want your fellow Americans dead. You've said the Pledge of Allegiance before, you've sung the National Anthem, you're exercising all of your God given rights that the USA provides you an opportunity to use (unlike your own country) and all you do is wish the rest of us dead?

And, really? The "arrogance" of the media? How about your own self-righteous arrogance. Open your damn eyes and see that people have differing opinions and the fact that you're allowed to open your dumb mouth and present yours is exactly what makes America so diverse. Whether I agree with it or not everyone is entitled to their opinion. But don't you dare get indignant when your opinion garners attention and causes reporters to come knock on your door.

Jarret Brachman said it best... “To be unhappy with U.S. foreign policy is one thing, but to advocate violence by promoting Al Qaeda is another,”

Amen. Now Mr. Khan, go screw yourself.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

things I've noticed in the past week.

1. Just as I start doing something right I screw it up ten times worse than how it started.

2. I am infinitely more stupid than I assume I am.

3. I'm better organized and cleaner when living out of a suitcase.

4. My contacts hate being left in overnight.
5. I do ridiculous dumb things in the name of being fun.

6. I should stop worrying about disappointing other people and start worrying about how much I disappoint myself.