Thursday, May 28, 2009

Caught My Eye

On my google homepage (my never-ending source of inspiration) my quotes section has something from Abraham Lincoln.

It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues.
- Abraham Lincoln

This, ladies and gentlemen, makes me feel pretty darn good about myself. I have a fair amount of vices and thus, according to Lincoln, must have at least a few virtues. In fact, I'm pretty sure my virtues are proportional to my vices. And if you really want to get technical, not only are they proportional but also of equal weight. So the more "vice-y" something is the more "virtue-y" my other habits/traits are.

Now that that nonsense is out of the way. I haven't actually slept well in approximately 4-5 days. The exceptionally busy road in front of my house gets incredibly noisy at approximately 445am and I am forced to retreat to my couch at 515am after I realize (for the umpteenth time) that burying my head under my pillow does not work. So, in short, I am cranky and so tired I might cry. That is all.

I lied. You should look at this website. It's about hipsters embarrassing themselves.
You're welcome. :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


So the gist of this story is that the NAACP is going to meet to discuss whether or not to boycott a Nascar race in Florida because of the presence of the Confederate flag.

NAACP Branch Readies for Confederate Flag Fight

Let me get this straight. Angry black Americans are going to meet to decide whether or not to boycott a social/sporting event that is rarely attended by anyone other than rednecks and race fans who are 9 time out of 10 of the very white (and usually incredibly sun-burned) persuasion. Excuse me while I go roll with laughter because this is just ridiculous.

Seriously, kids, live and let live. Who cares if someone else flies a Confederate flag? It's their own choice to still think the Civil War rages on. On another note, go read Larry Elder's book The Ten Things You Can't Say in America. One of his first chapters is about how Black American racism is worse than that of White Americans and he makes some seriously convincing points. Now, I'm not saying the NAACP is an antiquated over-zealous group of hate-mongers who are intent on keeping themselves and their race "down" in order to maintain the benefits but I kind of think the NAACP is an antiquated over-zealous group of hate-mongers who are intent on keeping themselves and their race "down" in order to maintain the benefits.

I personally don't care what flag you fly, what group you join, what candidate you support, or what sporting event you attend... just don't mess with mine. I'll keep my W stickers around for as long as I feel like it, I'll continue to be a member of the National Libertarian Party, and I'll hopefully get to go to the 500 next year. In the mean time, do whatever you feel like. Live and let live... I really don't see how that's so hard. In short, Brian France CEO of Nascar said it best, "It's not a flag [the Confederate flag] that I look at with anything favorable, that's for sure," France told CBS in 2005. "I can't tell people what flag to fly. I can tell you the flag we get behind — it's the American flag." Amen, Mr. France.


In Other News, I had the best Memorial Day weekend. We had a pretty crammed social calendar which was a very nice, though slightly unexpected change. Being social is a great reminder of how much more I like my amazing significant other than I do other people. I haven't talked to the familia in probably a week and it's getting difficult. Audrey, if you're reading this and you don't immediately email me the link to refill the phone card I may be forced to call Janet Reno and tell her never to say hi to you again... and also to punch you in the face. Nothing big happening in the near future... but at the end of June my favorite Hawaiian cousin is coming to visit! Can't wait :)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Little Late, Don't You Think?

Apparently 78% of Americans don't believe the Government is "investing" their tax dollars... 78% of Americans thing the Government is simply spending willy-nilly (that's the technical term). And about 2/3 of Americans want less government in their lives.

So about seven months ago it was totally cool to want the government to take over and make everything better and we were all hoping that the world would be a better place. Now 2/3 of us are being realistic and want the government to butt out. The problem is the public didn't vote in the guy who wanted less government. They voted in Mr. I-Heart-Socialism himself who was quoting commie party lines at the ASU commencement speech he gave the other day.

If the general public weren't a bunch of fickle, media-controlled, mindless, self-absorbed, lackadaisical sheep this wouldn't be an issue. Unfortunately it took 2/3 of the American public this long to realize we don't need the government... they need us and we want them to leave us alone.


In Other News, my wonderful significant other is out of town for another two days. Which means I've got the whole apartment to myself... WOO! Par-tay! And by "par-tay" I mean "re-organizing my closet and cleaning the bathroom". Yeah, I know... I live on the edge.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Complete Waste.

The government, specifically the National Institute of Health, is spending $2.6 MILLION to get hookers in CHINA to DRINK MORE RESPONSIBLY.

Yeah. Cool. That makes sense.

Seriously, kids, I think the entire government got a dart board out labeled it with legitimate things to spend money on, blind folded themselves and then accidentally hit other things in the room while trying to aim for the board. Now they are assuaging their guilt by helping Chinese hookers be not drunk.

This is so incredibly stupid.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

sex with emily

This is completely off my usual topic.

So... I googled my name. Not my whole name, just "emily." And after a little bit of scrolling I found a blog. It's called "Sex with Emily." Naturally I was intrigued. So I started reading and I think she's brilliant. She doesn't espouse ridiculous touchy-feely opinions or provide 101 Ways to Turn Your Man On or go on some uber-feminist tirade against men. In short, I love it.

As the Comm major I once was I couldn't help but be dragged into a research frenzy after reading one of her blog entries. "Be the person you want to find" She recommends that you cultivate the things you want from someone else in yourself.

Makes sense right? If you want someone smart, motivated, energetic, outdoorsy, and well-dressed then you should probably look smart, act motivated, do something kinetic, hang out under a tree and wear socks that match. On a superficial level that works brilliantly... but what about then you start getting into more depth after covering a wide breadth of subjects? This brings us to my very favorite communication theory... the Social Penetration Theory. Once you get into your deeper feelings on a subject do you really want to find someone who is like you?

Here's the part where we break out the therapists chaise-lounge and see what you really like (or not) about yourself. Now don't give me that "Uh, I'm a happy well-adjusted person so of course I like myself." I know SexWithEmily says you should cultivate what you want from a person you date but what do you do if you're conditioned to look for exactly what you don't like about yourself? How many people have horrible significant others with the same horrible traits they have? How many boyfriends did I go through that drank too much as a distraction, spent too much time on their unneccessary hobbies, and were really horribly untidy because they didn't care? In recent history my own deep dark dirty habits have changed a bit. And though I could never fathom dating myself (Sometimes I'm difficult like whoa), I can certainly see how the positive things I've cultivated in myself are major traits in the amazing significant other I have now (and luckily, he's better at being those things than I am).

So here's to girl's of my namesake who make sense, write great blogs, are objective and cause me to further appreciate the changes I've made and the wonderful people around me who I am so very fortunate to have.


In Other News, I forgot to update $1000 yesterday so I'm off to do that right now. Despite my up-beat mood and rather positive outlook I kind of feel like a blue whale today (in size, not color or biological classification). I've been doing a ton of research lately and it make my brain feel good though. Also, my toes have fallen asleep in my heels and even though I'm really hungry and want to go make some lunch I can't stand up without practically falling over. If you work for a delivery restaurant and are reading this. Help.

As always, some pretty fun links connected throughout the whole thing. Enjoy :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

National Day of...

Whining... is what it seems like; instead of the National Day of Prayer (which is tomorrow).

Apparently some religious groups are upset that Obama will only be noting the occasion with a "paper proclamation" as opposed to a public address. In keeping with my theme I'd like to say, "Who cares?" The point is he's still taking part of it and prayer is a personal thing anyway. Quite whining about it and go do some praying for a different President if you feel like this one has done you wrong. Quit throwing a fit and go pray for some tolerance from everybody. Or you could just shut your mouth, pray, and thank God that the National Day of Prayer is even recognized in a society where religion is more and more frequently ostracized.


In Other News, I've been updating another blog as well as this one. The other one is an experiment where we (my significant other and I) try to live off $1,000 a month. The 'poverty line' for a two-person household is set at $1,166 a month so we're trying to help ourselves to live more frugally and tracking it in public seems to help. Little sister left for Italy on Tuesday and arrived safely. Oh! And last weekend (Birthday weekend for those of you who didn't know) was phenomenal. We didn't end up going to the Derby. Partly because it rained and partly because we didn't want to spend four hours in the car, end up super drunk, sleep in the 'Burban, and then wake up early to drive another four hours back. So we found a nice quiet little town and spent Saturday night there. Logansport is adorable and has some seriously cool old buildings in it. We came back perfectly relaxed, and a little sunburned and went to Sol Fest. Rounded out the weekend curled up on the couch with the greatest guy ever watching The American President (or at least half of it before we fell asleep). This weekend, you ask? Eh, probably not a lot. Maybe going to see Grandma (his) for Mother's Day. Maybe a trip to the range? Maybe just snoozing and trying not to spend any money?

Monday, May 4, 2009

Brand New

It's an experiment. Help a sister out and leave me some feedback :)