Thursday, May 26, 2011

Belly Laugh of the Day

 I received an e-mail notification from my blog when I signed on about ten minutes ago.  It reads as follows:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A Very Dirty Word.":

Lady, I mean this in the most insulting and patronizing way possible: leave your backwards suburb sometime. You sound like a sheltered hack with a myopic worldview.

Posted by Anonymous to I Don't Like Men Who Own Cats. at May 26, 2011 11:49 AM 


First, I'd like to say... thank you for your impeccable grammar.  It is the worst when the people attempting to insult you have awful grammar so I'd like to express my sincere appreciation.

Secondly, I don't live in a suburb. Nor, for that matter, have I ever really lived in a suburb.  I'm actually quite well traveled and  currently live in what might be called the anti-thesis of a suburb.

Thirdly,  your criticism is exactly what I am constantly railing against.  Nothing factual, nothing objective, simply a name-calling, knee-jerk reaction to an idea that is differing from your own.  And that, my anonymous friend, merely proves my point.   

Finally, you have provided me with a much needed laugh for the day.  I would like to personally invite you back to 'argue' further with me because I actually appreciate opposing view points and a good, blood-pumping discussion is the whole reason I do this.  However, you're a coward who decided to comment anonymously so my only hope is that you come back hoping to see my equally immature response to your comment and, subsequently, this post infuriates you to the point of another wonderfully literate comment.

In the words of my generation... 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Very Dirty Word.

I'm trying to be very careful with these first few sentences because if I'm not I'm afraid a lynch mob of hateful Liberals will fly to Qatar, come to my house and beat me to pieces because of my gross violation of people's human rights.  Don't be too frightened, you're just reading.  You can say, "oh gracious, she's awful!" any time you would like... or just tacitly agree and the angry Liberals will be none the wiser.  Today's subject? Profiling and the damned dirty Liberals who won't let us use it.

I was in Germany last week for a volunteerism and leadership conference that was wonderfully educational.  However, one of the most eye-opening things that happened that week was in the jet-way between my plane from Doha to the Frankfurt airport.  As far as getting off the plane was concerned I wa the middle of the pack.  In front of my was a mix of German nationals returning to their country and a few GCC citizens catching connecting flights, but mostly Germans (you could tell by the blonde hair).  Behind me were a number of GCC citizens and some Indians (this, not that [don't shoot me]).  As I walked past the first German police man (who by the way was only armed with one pistol in a holster... no AK-47 or anything drastic) in the jet way he smiled and said "guten tag" and then immediately followed with "May I please see your passport?"  Quickly I reach into my carry on to pull out my wallet and thus my passport, but as I'm looking up to hand him my documents I realize he's not talking to me... he's talking to the very stereotypical Arabic looking man directly behind me.  And then I start really paying attention...

Ahead of me the German police have a number of Arabic men pulled out of the line and are checking their documents.  I was witnessing the most blatant exhibition of racial profiling I had ever seen and no one was throwing a fit.  No one was being rude, no one was indignant that they had been singled out.  Everyone was just handing over their passports and, as far as I could tell, waiting patiently to be approved.  My first thought was, "I have to tell everyone who reads my blog about this... this is amazing" (no joke, by the way).  My second thought was, "Why does the rest of the whole world use profiling and Americans run away from it like it's a racial slur during a primary?"

And before you argue with me... yes, it is a world wide practice.  
Americans are the only ones who find it offensive.  Wikipedia even says so.  

At some point during the 20th century *cough the 1960's cough* Americans started a trend toward political correctness that has quickly spiraled into a mire of illogical protocol that seems practically irreversible.  Anything that can even be remotely construed as a violation of our personal rights or as offensive is quickly labeled unacceptable no matter how useful or accurate the original 'offense' was.  On top of that, sometimes it is blatantly in violation of someone else's rights when the human rights violation flag is thrown.  You can't refer to someone as Black anymore, they're African-American despite not having any African citizenship or even having set foot on the African continent ever in their entire lives.  Do not even try to offend Buddha, Mohammed, Allah, or the Nature Goddess of the Elements... but, that parody on Jesus?  Have at it.  Stop me in the JFK because I'm a late-twenties/early-thirties Middle Eastern man with traditional dress on and someone will call the ACLU, and they will be all over your racially insensitive ass.  Stop me in Heathrow because I'm a late-twenties/early-thirties Middle Eastern man with traditional dress on... well, here's my passport and have a good day. 

Profiling is a scientific principle defined as "the extrapolation of information about something, based on known qualities."  Did you catch the part about known qualities?  Because that means that when we know, for a fact, that an overwhelmingly large portion of the people who intend to hurt, maim, kill and ruin the lives of Americans come from Middle Eastern Countries.  Why wouldn't we want to pay a little extra attention to them when they fly into the airport?  Why wouldn't customs take a closer look at the suspicious things in their bags?  Why do we not seem to care about our own well-being and safety?!

There's even more evidence than just the photos of the 9/11 hijackers.  Ever heard of the Manchester document?  It is an al Qaeda training manual that explains how to get weapons through airport security, how to kill as many people as possible while on your mission and explicitly states that the United States is enemy number one. 

Could we please actually make national defense a real priority?  Please? 

Profiling seems like a dirty word because of the connotation it is given through the media.  But the honest truth is that it, flat-out, isn't.  It's a scientific protocol that can be beneficial when used in a number of industries.  Marketing uses it to focus on specific demographics, scientists use it to categorize information based on the facts they already have, and the TSA could use it to make us all just a little bit safer because of the information they already have. 

So go ahead, America.  I am giving you permission.  Love everybody, treat everyone with the respect that each and every human deserves; which includes being polite when asking to see someone's passport on their way into your country.


In Other News, being back in Qatar is wonderful.  Although AWAG was great it didn't take me a whole week to start missing my amazing other half.  I've been particularly motivated since I got home from my trip but being around my Mommy (and some other very successful, motivated ladies) will do that.  I feel like I'm out of the "I can't get a job to save my life" slump.  Not because I got a job but because I have other things to fill in the gaps again... and I really feel like I've gotten an answer (not always the one I wanted) to some of my more frequent prayers, which is always helpful. 

I'd like to note that any feedback you guys could give would be much appreciated.  I'm trying to expand on this whole blog thing and would love your input.  Right now I have an interview with a very interesting fellow blogger that I'm working on... stay tuned.  Until next time, faithful readers. 

p.s. Does anybody know how to make your photos fit into the text margin and then zoom-in when you click on it?  I'm at a loss... thanks!

Thursday, May 12, 2011


The news is a constant source of inspiration for me, as I'm sure it is for many amateur bloggers.  This particular article struck a chord with me because it is so painfully obvious that this crap is getting out of hand.

Some kid posted up a huge message asking a girl to prom on the front of his high school.  He didn't deface any property.  He didn't do it in spray paint.  He took the time to cut out, and then tape up 12" high cardboard letters to the front of his high school... and now he's being banned from going to his prom for it.  A bit harsh right?  I mean, why not just make him take it down and then explain the proper procedure for requesting permission to do this kind of thing?  Or detention?  Or have him pick up litter on campus?

The Mayor of the Connecticut town this happened in said, "Based on what I know, I'm not sure that the punishment fits the crime. This may very well be a situation that needs a second look. Part of the problem in today's world is that we make policies or recommendations without common sense or flexibility built in and we lose sight of the big picture. This may be one of those situations."  Which makes perfect sense, particularly when you apply it to, oh I don't know... everything.  The big picture is that there are people in this world who are actually doing things that are wrong.  No matter what moral code you live by some things are just wrong.  And they're getting by with hardly a slap on the wrist.  And then this kid does something that the romantic in me considers pretty darn cute and he's barred from a major milestone in what's left of his childhood.  There is this knee-jerk reactions that says, "Oh no!  We have to take a hardline stance on this because what if it happens again!"  Why not take that stance on everything then?  Apply it in situations that actually matter.

For instance, please see exhibits A - Lord, there are too many of these below.

A.  Timothy Geithner does something that sends a number of people to jail, or at the very least into bankruptcy, and instead he gets to be Secretary of the Treasury... with maybe a smudge on his reputation.

B.  Rod Blagojevich abuses just about every bit of privilege and power that comes with being a governor and he gets charged with lying to Federal agents and then is given his own TV show.

C. Some of the largest corporations in the world run their business with such poor practices that they bleed themselves dry... and then convince the government to hand over billions of dollars to them so they can try again!

D. Bill Clinton decides to be completely inappropriate while still being the leader of the free world and is impeached.  Then, not only is he acquitted of the charges but nobody really remembers it any more.  The president of the United States of America committed adultery and now it's a joke.

E.  Men who were detained under suspicion of terrorist activity who swear up and down that they were just small town bakers, or tailors, or shopkeepers, or something innocuous are released from being held... and all of a sudden they're leaders in the al Qaeda network. Huh?  Who would have thought they ever had those kind of connections?

The list goes on and on.  Somehow the people who have done the most wrong are the most heavily defended.  The those whose crimes are minor (at best) get the book thrown at them by an MLB-quality pitching machine.  And it's because its easy.  It is so, so simple to look like you're tough on crime because you sentenced that pickpocket to a year in jail.  And that kid who graffiti'd the underpass?  Oooh, that 500 hours of community service will do him good!

But you catch the Mayor of DC doing crack and nailing whores*insert him-hawing, an awkward cough and some legal jargon that makes it sound like some serious consideration is going on* Let's re-elect him!

It's like there is a completely different set of rules for those in the lime-light versus the rest of us.  Scratch that.

There is a completely different set of rules for those in the lime-light versus the rest of us.  And it's unconscionable the things that they get away with.  Why do we allow our society to build divisions like that?  Since when is justice not only blind but deaf and dumb?  And why on Earth is justice allowed to yell, "look a diversion!" for people who have been on the cover of People and not anyone else?    The blatant hypocrisy is nauseating.  Add to that the fact that it is right in front of our faces, all over the media (all you have to do is use a little Google) and hardly any one takes notice, and you've a perfect recipe for complete and utter annihilation of any legal integrity left in this country.

Writing usually energizes me for the rest of my day.  But this wears me out. Long story short...

Leave that poor kid in Connecticut alone.  Let's take the advice of Mayor Lauretti and give a couple of things a second look.  A little common sense and flexibility would go a very long way toward giving justice her blindfold back.


In Other News, I'm going to Germany for about a week for a volunteerism and leadership conference.  I get to see my Mommy so I'm very, very excited.  When I get back I have a few job interviews coming up, so please keep your fingers crossed.  Good news seems to be coming in waves lately (my baby sister graduated from college, my brother-in-law got engaged to the most wonderful girl, hearing back from prospective employers) so I can only hope it continues.  Doha is still wonderful.  Although the weather is taking a turn for the "Holy humidity, it's sweltering out here."  We got our snorkel gear in so I believe we're going to head to the in-land sea this weekend and do some looking around.  
Until next time, most wonderfully faithful readers.
View of West Bay at night from the 9th floor of the Pearl.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Come Back, Condi

If you've been on my Facebook you've probably seen the video I'm about to wax poetic about.  You've also probably noticed my unabashed adoration of Condoleeza Rice.  I've always thought she was an amazing, accomplished, brilliant woman but she has rekindled my passion for her sort of poise, decorum, and ruthlessness.

The video is a portion of her interview with Lawrence O'Donnell.  He's trying to act like the serious journalist that he thinks he is by asking hard-hitting questions.  He uses words like, "the biggest mistake in the history of statements made by Secretaries of State" and throws around glittering generalities like they're beads at a Mardi Gras parade all while keeping on his serious "this is an intense interview" face.  Then after he's done making accusations instead of asking questions he proceeds to not allow Ms. Rice to actually answer any of them until she puts her foot down and basically says, "What on Earth are you doing?  Is this an interview or do you just want to hear yourself speak?"  They go back and forth, and back and forth, and it is riveting.  She is eloquent and uses facts, and names real names and places and events from history to support her point.  Whereas Mr. O'Donnell likes to use popular opinion, widely-held almost entirely false concepts and the crap his bosses told him to spew.  Also, the only time she even remotely raised her voice was when he had to stop him from continuing on his ego-stroking diatribe against the answer of her's that O'Donnell already knew he wouldn't agree with.

After watching the video I mentioned to my husband that I sincerely wish a woman like Condoleeza Rice would run for President.  I mean who needs jack-of-all-trades, "I'm going to pretend like I'm a politician and a housewife" Palin when you've got the business-minded, incredibly focused, logic driven Condoleeza Rice?  He laughed and told me in no uncertain terms that there's no way that's going to happen.  He explained that after what the media did to the entire Bush Administration there is no possible way that they're going to throw themselves into the Lion's Den again only to be torn to shreds for the very qualities that the Liberals would love and adore about whomever they endorse.  Democrats would kill for a Black woman who is a University Professor, has her Doctorate, and is an acclaimed concert pianist.  They loved Bill Clinton's saxophone (no innuendo there, I swear) and he couldn't even play that well.

But Condoleeza doesn't share their self-loathing, hypocritical, uninformed view of the realities of the World... so they butcher her.

In a perfect world they'd appreciate her for being the incredible woman she is, and would be begging for her level-headed, well informed, educated opinion and influence at every turn. But, I guess, in a perfect world we wouldn't have a Community Organizer turned Senator as President.


In Other News, speaking about Condoleeza makes me wonder if you can be a successful, conservative woman who is taken seriously... and have a family.  A number of the women in my life that I believe to be the most successful have wonderful husbands and homes but no children.  Is it possible to get your Master's degree, move on to a Doctoral program, all while working with a multinational corporation and have a few children through it all?  And don't tell me, "Oh! Marie Osmond and Sarah Palin did it!" because they didn't.  Marie Osmond was an entertainer... that's not nearly as difficult as earning your doctorate, occupying political offices, teaching at a University, running a company and writing a book.  And Sarah Palin... well, don't even get me started.

I'd like to thank @PatDollard for the tip on the Condoleeza Rice interview video.  Good looking out.

Anyway, I'm going to go make a pie.  Seriously.  And contemplate the complexities of gender and it's effect on perceived levels of success. 

Monday, May 2, 2011


First, my most sincere congratulations to the team of Americans who went into Pakistan and risked their lives to kill one of the most heinous men that was left on the face of the planet.

Next, in his announcement of the death of Usama bin Laden President Obama said, “Bin Laden was not a Muslim leader. He was a mass murderer of Muslims, so his demise should be welcomed by all who believe in peace and human dignity.”

Amen, brother. 
I hadn't ever thought of it that way but it is so very true.  Most people think that the suicide bombers have been volunteering as an act of jihad to kill themselves but the truth of the matter is that a large number of those people are simply victims of a manipulative terrorist group that preys on their uneducated naivete.
Lastly,  President George Bush also said something that stuck out amid the tidal wave of news stories.“The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message:  No matter how long it takes, justice will be done.”  Yes, we do have to continue fighting but there are high points in this fight.  I know lots of Americans who think the US needs to quit 'policing the world.'  But eradicating the people who dedicate their lives to ruining the lives of Americans isn't policing, that's called protecting yourself.  And there is absolutely nothing (as in not a single damn thing in the entire universe) wrong with protecting yourself.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the men and women who have suffered and died in the long process of fighting terrorism and those who will put themselves in harm's way in the future.  Please know that when we say you will never be forgotten at least a few of your fellow American citizens believe that "never" means "not as long as there is a breath left in my body."

It is always a good day to be an American... 
but today, it is a great day.